Immediately reset your Thnks account password. It is recommended that individuals use a unique, complex password that is not associated with any of your other online accounts. This password should be one that is unique to your Thnks account
Go to your Profile (your initials in the top right corner after logging in)
Select Change Password
Remove any stored payment methods (e.g. credit or debit cards) from your Thnks account
Go to your Profile (your initials in the top right corner after logging in)
Scroll down to your Payment Method and select Edit/Delete
Contact our Support team at or start a live chat using the chat logo in the bottom right corner of your screen
Unauthorized activity is typically caused when your password is being re-used on another site that had a breach. It might be worth checking this site: to see where your email may have been involved in a breach and to make sure you are not re-using any passwords from a breached site